Hi. This is James Patrick's current collection of dotfiles. If you found this feel free to steal what ever you want, if you have any questions feel free to contact me. # Tenants 1. The time invested in configuring tools will probably never recouped by increased productivity. That isn't a reason not to it. 2. Don't write what already exist. 3. Config to have easy setup and tear down, without destroying anything important. 4. Try to stay lean. More tools begets more maintenance. 1. The best code is no code. 2. It's better to have an imperfect tool than to have envs diverge. 3. Write tooling to allow for variation between envs. 5. Any rule can ignored if it has a non-stupid reason. 6. Take lots of screenshots. 7. Don't be an idiot and store large files. # Quick start ```sh git clone https://git.jpatrick.io/james/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles make -C ~/.dotfiles install ```