#!/usr/bin/env zsh function cleanup(){ if (( $+commands[shred] )) ; then shred transient/authinfo* elif (( $+commands[srm] )) ; then srm transient/authinfo* elif ; then echo UNABLE TO FIND A WAY TO SECURELY DELETE THIS. exit -1 fi rm transient/authinfo* } trap cleanup EXIT cd $(dirname $0) if [[ ! -e ./transient ]] ; then mkdir transient fi if [[ ! -e ~/transient/authinfo ]] ; then echo "Hello. I need the bridge password for this to work." read _password\?"password: " asdaD sed "s/PASSWORD_PROVIDED_BY_BRIDGE/${_password}/g" authinfo.template \ > transient/authinfo unset _password fi gpg -e -r james@jpatrick.io transient/authinfo mv transient/authinfo.gpg ~/.authinfo.gpg