# -*- mode: makefile-gmake; -*- SRC_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) GIT_HOOK_SRC = $(SRC_DIR)/post-merge GIT_HOOK_TARGET = $(abspath $(SRC_DIR)/..)/.git/hooks/post-merge include ../lib/shared.mk install: | init update init: $(report) header "Setting up this stuff" $(report) pass "githook symlinked `ln -svf $(GIT_HOOK_SRC) $(GIT_HOOK_TARGET)`" $(MAKE) -C $(SRC_DIR) fix_http_repo fix_http_repo: cd $(SRC_DIR) if [[ $$(git remote get-url origin) == http* ]] ; then git remote set-url origin git@git.jpatrick.io:james/dotfiles.git \ ; $(report) "Reseting git remote http(s) -> ssh repo" else $(report) debug "git repo deosn't start with http. So no need to reset remote." fi update: remove: $(report) header "Removing githook" $(rm_link) $(GIT_HOOK_TARGET)