# -*- mode: makefile-gmake; -*- SRC_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) SOURCE := $(SRC_DIR)/Brewfile TARGET := ~/.Brewfile include ../lib/shared.mk init: if [[ $$OSTYPE != darwin* ]] ; then $(report) debug "This doesn't seem to be a macOS env. Skipping." return fi if (( ! $$+commands[brew] )) ; then $(report) header "installing brew" /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" \ ; $(report) "Brew installed." xcode-select --install \ ; $(report) "Xcode CLI tools installed." fi up: init if [[ $$OSTYPE != darwin* ]] ; then $(report) debug "This doesn't seem to be a macOS env. Skipping." return fi $(report) header "Updating BrewFile" $(mk_link) $(SOURCE) $(TARGET) brew bundle install --global --cleanup ; $(report) "Brew Updated" down: $(report) header "Removing BrewFile" $(rm_link) $(TARGET)