#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# vim: syn=zsh

# Language
# TODO: LANG is getting set to "C" somewhere. Until I figure that out, I'm hard coding it.
#export LANG=${LANG:-en_US.UTF-8}
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

export ZDIR=${ZDIR:-$HOME/.zsh}
export ZPLUG_HOME=${ZPLUG_HOME:-$HOME/.zplug}
export ZSH_CACHE=${ZSH_CACHE:-$ZDIR/cache}

export EDITOR='vim'
export VISUAL='vim'
export PAGER='less'
# Less
# Set the default Less options.
# Mouse-wheel scrolling has been disabled by -X (disable screen clearing).
# Remove -X and -F (exit if the content fits on one screen) to enable it.
export LESS='-F -g -i -M -R -S -w -X -z-4'

# Modules for Prompt
if [ -z "$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ORDER" ]; then
    time          # Time stampts section
    user          # Username section
    dir           # Current directory section
    host          # Hostname section
    git           # Git section (git_branch + git_status)
    package       # Package version
    node          # Node.js section
    ruby          # Ruby section
    elm           # Elm section
    golang        # Go section
    rust          # Rust section
    haskell       # Haskell Stack section
    #docker        # Docker section
    venv          # virtualenv section
    #kubecontext   # Kubectl context section
    terraform     # Terraform workspace section
    exec_time     # Execution time
    line_sep      # Line break
    battery       # Battery level and status
    jobs          # Background jobs indicator
    exit_code     # Exit code section
    char          # Prompt character

# Set tmux profile default values.
zstyle ':tmux:auto-start' local 'yes'
zstyle ':tmux:auto-start' name 'tmux'

# FZF tmux properties.
# Add fzf functions
export FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS="--preview \" (( $+commands[bat] )) \
       && bat --color=always --line-range :500 {} \
       || cat {} \""
export FZF_ALT_C_OPTS="--preview 'tree -C {} | head -100'"

# Auto suggestion config

typeset -gU path

# This will load the specified zsh files if they exist in the $ZDIR/environment directory.
# It will load based on hostname & uname.
  [ -e ${ZDIR}/environment/os/$OSTYPE/$1 ] && source ${ZDIR}/environment/os/$OSTYPE/$1
  [ -e ${ZDIR}/environment/host/$HOST/$1 ] && source ${ZDIR}/environment/host/$HOST/$1
env_loader zshenv