# Nil Install Guide This is the nix configuration for a 2021 Thinkpad T14 AMD g2 machine named `nil`. The boot media looks like ``` NAME TYPE MOUNTPOINT nvme0n1 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 part /boot └─nvme0n1p2 part └─crypt crypt /dev/mapper/root └─partitions lvm ├─swap swap /dev/partitions/swap └─lvm_root lvm /dev/partitions/lvm_root └─rpool zpool ├─rpool/root zfs ├─rpool/root/nixos zfs / └─rpool/home zfs /home ``` ## Install A makefile is used for ease of use. To set this up on a new machine you will need the following: ```bash nix-env -iA nixos.gnumake nix-env -iA nixos.git ``` then checkout this repo, create & modify the `.env` file ```bash git clone https://git.jpatrick.io/james/nil.git /tmp/install cd /tmp/install cp .env_sample .env ``` Once you have set the `PASSPHRASE` & `DISK` vars run ```bash sudo make nix_install ``` ## TODO - Document setting the `networking.hostId` variable. - Use [NixOS Hardware](https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-hardware) Modules. - Fix wireless driver issue :: This uses the Realtek 8852AE 802.11AX WWAN.