{ config, lib, pkgs, user, ... }: let this = config.my.application.kitty; graphical = config.my.graphical; in with lib; { options = { my.application.kitty.enable = mkOption { default = graphical.enable; type = with types; bool; }; }; config = mkIf this.enable { home-manager.users."${user.name}" = { home.packages = with pkgs; [ kitty ]; programs.kitty = { enable = true; font = { package = pkgs.hasklig; name = "Hasklig"; size = 10; }; settings = { scrollback_lines = 10000; enable_audio_bell = false; update_check_interval = 0; background = "#131020"; ## name: Catppuccin ## author: Pocco81 (https://github.com/Pocco81) ## license: MIT ## upstream: https://github.com/catppuccin/kitty/blob/main/catppuccin.conf ## blurb: Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited! # The basic colors foreground = "#D9E0EE"; #background = "#1E1D2F"; selection_foreground = "#D9E0EE"; selection_background = "#575268"; # Cursor colors cursor = "#F5E0DC"; cursor_text_color = "#1E1E2E"; # URL underline color when hovering with mouse url_color = "#F5E0DC"; # kitty window border colors active_border_color = "#C9CBFF"; inactive_border_color = "#575268"; bell_border_color = "#FAE3B0"; # OS Window titlebar colors wayland_titlebar_color = "system"; macos_titlebar_color = "system"; #: Tab bar colors active_tab_foreground = "#F5C2E7"; active_tab_background = "#575268"; inactive_tab_foreground = "#D9E0EE"; inactive_tab_background = "#1E1E2E"; tab_bar_background = "#161320"; # Colors for marks (marked text in the terminal) mark1_foreground = "#1E1E2E"; mark1_background = "#96CDFB"; mark2_foreground = "#1E1E2E"; mark2_background = "#F5C2E7"; mark3_foreground = "#1E1E2E"; mark3_background = "#B5E8E0"; #: The 16 terminal colors #: black color0 = "#6E6C7E"; color8 = "#988BA2"; #: red color1 = "#F28FAD"; color9 = "#F28FAD"; #: green color2 = "#ABE9B3"; color10 = "#ABE9B3"; #: yellow color3 = "#FAE3B0"; color11 = "#FAE3B0"; #: blue color4 = "#96CDFB"; color12 = "#96CDFB"; #: magenta color5 = "#F5C2E7"; color13 = "#F5C2E7"; #: cyan color6 = "#89DCEB"; color14 = "#89DCEB"; #: white color7 = "#D9E0EE"; color15 = "#D9E0EE"; }; }; }; }; }