Adding brewfile for osx install

This commit is contained in:
James Patrick 2024-07-12 00:51:15 -04:00
parent b8c522c733
commit 46d4c467ca
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 126 additions and 0 deletions

brew/Brewfile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/services"
brew "git"
brew "ripgrep"
brew "coreutils"
brew "fd"
cask "firefox@developer-edition"
cask "slack"
cask "raycast"
cask "iterm2"
cask "nextcloud"
brew "vim"
brew "zsh"
brew "git"
brew "tmux"
brew "make"
brew "fzf"
brew "jq"
brew "nmap"
brew "htop"
cask "1password"
cask "1password-cli"
brew "terraform"
brew "terraformer"
brew "bat"
brew "colordiff"
brew "fd"
brew "feh"
brew "gnutls"
brew "pango"
brew "tesseract"
brew "pipx"
brew "pinentry-mac"
brew "the_silver_searcher"
brew "trash"
brew "tree"
cask "charles"
cask "docker"
cask "nextcloud"
cask "protonmail-bridge"
cask "spotify"
cask "sublime-text"
cask "tailscale"
cask "whatsapp"
cask "todoist"
cask "zoom"
cask "postgres-unofficial"
mas "Fantastical", id: 975_937_182
tap "d12frosted/emacs-plus"
# Build requirements for emacs30
brew "imagemagick"
brew "tree-sitter"
brew "jansson"
brew "autoconf"
brew "awk"
brew "gnu-sed"
brew "gnu-tar"
brew "grep"
brew "isl"
brew "jansson"
brew "jpeg"
brew "mpfr"
brew "libmpc"
brew "libgccjit"
brew "libxml2"
brew "mas"
brew "pkg-config"
brew "texinfo"
brew "zlib"
brew "emacs-plus@30", args: ["with-ctags", "with-xwidgets", "with-imagemagick", "with-native-comp", "with-modern-doom3-icon"]
brew "pgformatter"
brew "languagetool", restart_service: true
brew "marked"
brew "prettier"
brew "editorconfig"
brew "node"
brew "shellcheck"
brew "stylelint"
brew "isync"
brew "mu"
brew "harfbuzz"
brew "pngpaste"
brew "graphviz"
brew "shfmt"
cask "font-hasklig"
cask "font-hasklug-nerd-font"
cask "font-alegreya"
brew "cmake"
brew "aspell"
tap "hashicorp/tap"
brew "hashicorp/tap/terraform-ls"

brew/makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# -*- mode: makefile-gmake; -*-
SRC_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
SOURCE := $(SRC_DIR)/Brewfile
TARGET := ~/.Brewfile
include ../lib/
if [[ $$OSTYPE != darwin* ]] ; then
$(report) debug "This doesn't seem to be a macOS env. Skipping."
if (( ! $$+commands[brew] )) ; then
$(report) header "installing brew"
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" \
; $(report) "Brew installed."
xcode-select --install \
; $(report) "Xcode CLI tools installed."
up: init
if [[ $$OSTYPE != darwin* ]] ; then
$(report) debug "This doesn't seem to be a macOS env. Skipping."
$(report) header "Updating BrewFile"
$(mk_link) $(SOURCE) $(TARGET)
brew bundle install --global --cleanup ; $(report) "Brew Updated"
$(report) header "Removing BrewFile"
$(rm_link) $(TARGET)