Attempted fix for better structured Daily Template

This commit is contained in:
James Patrick 2023-02-05 20:21:41 -05:00
parent b932eeaf02
commit c2ceb3ab22
2 changed files with 11 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -129,13 +129,13 @@
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'rasmus/org-prettify-symbols))
(setq org-roam-dailies-capture-templates
'(("l" "Log" entry "* %T %?"
'(("l" "Log" entry "* %T %?"
:target (file+head+olp "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org"
"#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: %<:%Y:%B:>\n"
("g" "Goal" entry "* TODO %? :mit:"
"#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: %<:%Y:%B:daily:>\n\n* Goals\n* Logs"
("g" "Goal" entry "* TODO %?"
:target (file+head+olp "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org"
"#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: %<:%Y:%B:>\n"
"#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: %<:%Y:%B::daily>\n\n* Goals\n* Logs"
(defun org-babel-execute:diff (body params)

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@ -739,19 +739,18 @@ this makes the beginning / ending of both source and quote blocks, & headers for
*** Roam
I use =org-roam= v2 for most of my note taking. TODO expand this section.
**** Dailies Templates
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "+orgmode.el" :noweb no-export :comments no
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "+orgmode.el" :noweb no-export :comments no :results output silent
(setq org-roam-dailies-capture-templates
'(("l" "Log" entry "* %T %?"
'(("l" "Log" entry "* %T %?"
:target (file+head+olp "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org"
"#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: %<:%Y:%B:>\n"
("g" "Goal" entry "* TODO %? :mit:"
"#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: %<:%Y:%B:daily:>\n\n* Goals\n* Logs"
("g" "Goal" entry "* TODO %?"
:target (file+head+olp "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org"
"#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: %<:%Y:%B:>\n"
"#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>\n#+filetags: %<:%Y:%B::daily>\n\n* Goals\n* Logs"
**** Keybinds
These were declared in [[id:f9ffe9df-a417-45c4-8bf2-6ee655140648][Roam Keybinds]] section above. See there for more details.