James Patrick 22fb953c36 Added theme.
It is based off of onedark, which is the theme Doom is based off of.
2019-09-21 15:03:20 -04:00

29 lines
605 B

" Keybinds
" Toggle expand/collapse for comments.
bind ;c hint -c [class*="expand"],[class="togg"]
" match vimperators back function.
command ba back
command fo foward
" restore bookmarks
unbind <C-b>
" use h/l to cycle though tabs.
bind h tabprev
bind l tabnext
" Better find.
unbind <C-f>
bind / fillcmdline find
bind ? fillcmdline find -?
bind n findnext 1
bind N findnext -1
bind ,<Space> nohlsearch
colorscheme onedark
" This will have to do until someone writes us a nice syntax file :)
" vim: set filetype=vim: