This needs to be updated. But that is currently low on my list of priorities. I will set up the rest of my env first and come back to this.
20 lines
400 B
20 lines
400 B
"" GUI
if has('gui_macvim')
let macvim_skip_colorscheme = 1
colorscheme flatwhite
set lines=60 columns=108 linespace=0
set guifont=Source\ Code\ Pro\ for\ Powerline:h10
set background=dark
let g:molokai_original=1
let g:rehash256=1
set t_Co=256
colorscheme molokai
hi LineNr ctermfg=245 ctermbg=235
"" Error Message
match ErrorMsg '\%>120v.\+'
match ErrorMsg '\s\+$'